Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lost in the Dance...

Beloved Followers,
I don't think I will call you that anymore, for that sounds cultish. I like to avoid giving off that vibe if possible. Thankfully you all understand my motives (I hope).
I hope you all are well! Please update me on you when possible.
I am glad to finally post a whole season later! This summer was a wonderful one to be sure, and incredibly full. Other than the fact that I didn't make time to post, being without my handy lil ACER Netbook was a great hinderance to blogging. Those are my main reasons for not being on here, for those who need to know WHY?!
Currently I am sitting on the couch in my basement room at home feeling incredibly blessed. Papa God has been filling me up all day with His word and His love, and I just drank a cup of warmed water with chia seeds. Very nice. He has been so kind to my heart as usual and I am continually blown away by Him. I don't want to sound like a broken record but WE HAVE A GOOD FATHER. His heart toward us is good, don't let what happens in this sin-sick world deceive you. Don't let hurts and hurting people deceive you. Just because people are suffering does not mean this is what God wants for the world. If you want to know what is good in God's eyes and what HE wants for the world look at Eden. The cross was Him reconciling the world to Himself so that we could be restored to a beautiful relationship with Him and ultimately get back to the "way things was" in Eden. Unhindered communion. Oh, and a beautiful earth I might add.
As I have been increasingly inviting Him into my thought life and coming to Him with what is going on in my heart He has been transforming me and speaking truth that changes everything. Life is EASY when I let Him carry my burdens. When He said, "Come to Me all who are wearied and heavy laden and I will give you rest." He truly meant it! I thought grandma's silly "Life is hard and then you die" quote was somewhat reasonable. Sure seems that way when you look around these days. But Jesus...He changes everything! His yoke really is easy and His burden light. If we find things are difficult we may just be carrying stuff He never wanted us to carry in the first place. We may just be carrying extra junk for security or whatnot. He doesn't just want us to cope, He wants us to hope. He wants us to let go so we can be free. He wants us to be in His Kingdom which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit! This is His heart for all of us. Some of us would love to do this...but can't find freedom and can't free ourselves. We feel conquered with no way out. It is in this place we need to cry out. We need an invasion of His presence.
A beautiful analogy the Lord gave me while praying is France before the Allied DDay invasion. Germany took advantage of France's weakness and captured it, and set up a whole barricade to keep out anyone who might try to rescue France. These mines and defenses along the coast were daunting, but miraculously on June 6th, 1944*checks google to be sure of historical accuracy, lol* the Allied forces broke through and began their campaign to liberate France, heading straight for its heart. That my friend is what we need. We need the Holy Spirit to invade our lives and dismantle the enemy's fortresses of lies and defenses that keep us "safe"...but only safe from our Rescuer. If you feel stuck and not free, cry out to Him tonight. He wants to go after your heart and free you. Only He can overpower your enemy, you just need to cry out to Him and cooperate. Say yes! Hallelujah, that was my preach and sure enough it came on!
Back to what is going on in my life:
Last night a dear friend of mine was praying for me(thanks Anna!)and she saw the Lord dancing with me. It was such a meaningful analogy for what I am learning to do right now. Not trying to lead my life, but follow my Partner's lead. Keep my eyes on Him and enjoy Him. Not thinking so much, but leaning on Him! Trusting Him(Proverbs 3:5,6--see previous posts for more on that) and therefore getting LOST in His love. We were laughing in His presence so much during prayer. He was so sweet I was starting to get lost! That is my hope for all of you tonight: that you lose your lives and find them in Him. That you find Him and find life! That you call on Him and He delivers you from whatever holds you back and you get lost in the dance of your life with your Lover. Jesus Christ. Oh, and if you happen to be a single lady out there wondering where your man is, I hope you find him. Or more accurately I hope that while you are so lost in God's intoxicating presence that the Lord dances you right into the arms of a fine warrior poet dude. From there I hope you become excellent partners and bring much applause to your Lover/Father and have a large family that displays the love of God to a badly lost world. I am sorry, you probably were having a good day until I brought all of that up that you didn't want to remember and thought you were over singleness or whats-his-face again. But there is the longing. Bring it to Jesus AGAIN my friends. He can take it, believe me, He has lots of practice with yours truly. He loves you beyond what you can imagine.
It is time for me to go. Thanks for reading this!
May His presence invade you tonight!
PS Comments are desired...let me know what Father is up to in your lives.