Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What does God see?

Much has happened in the past few weeks, beside my getting bigger around the middle.  God gave my husband and I an awesome trip back to his old home, Atlanta, GA.  I loved being driven around and staying at random hotels, visiting his friends and some of his family which are now my family.  Hospitable, amazing people down there for reals.  My knee was royally smashed the first day we arrived, which slowed and changed plans...and made Karter not only my lover and companion, but also my wheelchair driver, carrier of my stuff and caretaker, all of which he undertook with great kindness. Yeah, I didn't merely slip and fall on some rocks at a waterfall in Alabama, but I also fell more in love with that guy:)  It was quite vexing at first to have our plans altered and pain and Dr visits added to our sightseeing--but we still have awesome stories for the telling of God's activity, care-taking of us, and the timing of our visit.  Overall, I had a blast.

I am back at home now and have been off work until tomorrow, for recovery time.  Honestly this whole thing shook me up and threw me off a little, even though it worked out.  I've felt a lot of confusion and some bouts with selfish motives try to cloud my mind regarding other issues the past few days .  Last night, in a beautiful way, I felt like God talked to my heart about where I am at, what He has been doing, and even some added tidbits about His ways. This is what I wrote out of what I felt He was saying in my journal.  It was so sweet, I don't want to keep it to myself and I love it when He lets me in on these awesome ways of His...
"You have been growing, through your injury, through your [struggles] to see from a different angle, to get your focus off of yourself--to see above the clouds of your own desires.  Your desires can cloud your view of life.  Oh come up here, where I am and see from My view.  I see the potential for joy, healing, life, hope and laughter to spring up all over the earth.  I am not hindered by the anger, hopelessness, brokenness, but see what I can and will do.  I see the bright side, and that is what I want to show you.  Nothing changes when you focus on the darkness, it overpowers you.  Look to the light of My hand and what I will do.  What I want to do in and through You is point others to Me.  You are like a finger directed to the life and the Light.  You enjoy sharing goodness with others--share Me!"
Then, I read this: "When he saw Jesus passing by he said, "Look, the Lamb of God!  When the two disciples heard this, they turned and followed Jesus." John 1:36,37.
My calling is to be like John who said, "LOOK!" and they followed Jesus.  Jesus also reminded me of the Isaiah 61 scripture that He fulfilled, and it was all about what He came to do.  He didn't focus on the darkness, but on shining the light, freeing and healing people!  He called us to do the same.
I love His perspective.  I want to show off this amazing God all of my days.
Look, the Lamb of God!
These days I am looking forward to moving around again, Coffea work, excersize, this coming baby and it's unknown gender, as well as all the unexpected joys and connecting with the people around me.  A peace has settled over my heart.  A hope for the hopeless as I begin again to see as God sees.  

Blessin's all!