"It's simple." The thought that struck me last night echoed back in my heart as I walked. Last night I invited many ladies to a park for fun and hopefully encouragement. We had volleyball to play, art we could work on, and a bike trail for walking. Having invited everyone there, I felt a bit of pressure to make sure everyone jived and had a good time. I got a bit overwhelmed when ladies began arriving faster than I could introduce them and things seemed to be wonderfully out of hand. It happens that somewhere along my vast path of life I got the idea that I was responsible to make people happy, and I greatly enjoy doing that when that is possible, and everything is fine until this becomes less possible. I submitted some of my panic to God and He just assured me to rest and let things flow, let the ladies talk, walk, scribble--and I could just do what I needed to do, love, and enjoy. Why is this unnatural? Why do I let myself take on responsibility for other people's emotions to this point of stress? "It's simple," I felt God's whisper and it settled into my heart. I looked around at everyone chatting, painting, laughing and standing around the picnic table. Beautiful ladies that God had made who were enjoying creation and each other--and if they weren't it wasn't my fault. My responsibility isn't to make the world go 'round, and cause people to like each other, and enjoy their lives--it is simply to love them. When the love of God is truly abiding in our hearts, this is simple. My evening of laides with volleyball, painting and visiting ended with giving a hug to everyone and experiencing an overflowing amount of love in my being from God, for them, for Him, for me. I had to leave early because I had biked there and it was becoming dark.
It does all simply go back to loving. Nothing extra, nothing to prove, nothing to control, just love. And His love isn't just love, it is extravagant love and He is working it in us everyday walking with Him! This makes me burst into smiles.
Click here:for a song to drive it home ...