Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Dear Friends,
My last post in here was over a year ago, and I rarely give my blog a thought.  It has taken it's place in my memories, but doesn't occupy current mindspace.  This past weekend, while we were enjoying being bridesmaids together in a dear friend Cassie's wedding, my friend Laura mentioned this space on the internet.  She said she liked reading it.  I liked writing it.  God is continually sharing little things with me, that I delight to share with friends because His words bring life, and change lives.  So I decided to put this into my schedule.  Life doesn't show signs of slowing down and I will take the "now or never" approach to blogging now (thanks to Laura:)).  

"It takes wisdom to build a house,
    and understanding to set it on a firm foundation."
~Prov. 24:3

At this time last year I knew nothing about who my husband would be, where I would be at in the world, or anything much about my future.  I write this from my new appartment, which I share with my new husband, where we experience and anticipate many changes!  God is the beautiful constant, showing me how to adapt, to love and to be loving and flexible, to live with and to express my feelings and learn those of a new human being who I didn't know at this time last year!  An amazing, playful, hardworking, loving man named Karter.  That is who I married.  My mentor, Marge, just lended me her book "For Women Only", in hopes that it will make our married life more filled with understanding.  I confided in her that in spite of all the marriage talk and radio shows (like focus on the family) and books on relationships that I've read since teen years, no one told me how to be married to Karter. I am devouring this book, and longing to understand more of how this wonderfully strange mind of a man works.  A great deal of pain is spared in just UNDERSTANDING people and situations, and I eagerly ask God for this accordingly.  I showed it to Karter last night, and his eyes lit up.  He decided it would be helpful for him read it with me and confirm or deny, so that I didn't get wrong ideas about him, if that wasn't how he worked--cause honestly not all men are the same I definantly had learned.  I was excited for this opportunity to gain further understanding of my specific husband!  I think the title was appealing to him too, maybe. "For Women Only," Tehe.  Try to keep a guy out of something that forbidden. ;) So we read the first few chapters without talking.  When it was time to retire the book, I asked if it was true.  Yes.  Yes it was all true, he said.  He just didn't want to be too vocal about it because it really is a charge written to the woman about how NOT to treat her man and how to treat him.  He didn't want to rub things in--nice man that he is. I asked him if there was anything that wasn't even remotely true.  Nope.  All true. ;)  I recommend the book!  


Before departing for a lunch date with my mom and long time friend, I want to merely present the truth that Father God is kind.  I have been noticing His kindness so much the past few days.  He is kind when I am frustrated, tired, vengeful, lazy, and irritated inside. His words, when I come to Him and ask, His perspective and wisdom bring so much peace and change my heart.  I would love to continue to share specifics, and plan to in the coming posts.  My goal in saying this (I am going to come right out and say it) is to encourage YOU to take everything that is weighing you down today, every thought that needs some light to be shone on it, perplexing situations, happy notions, you name it.  Bring them to the Father and let Him speak and enlighten you before any time goes by.  He wants us to be happy, liberated and liberating children, and there is no reason to be tied up in anything.  You will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free.

{Here I am gonna steal something awesome from Jude 21} 

"But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!"



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brooke, great to see you back in the blogosphere!

    I blog under the name Melody Muffin but you know me under a different name- my real name. (Think of friends who live in the Rocky Mountains.) :D

    Anyway, good post! And I look forward to seeing you in Blogland more often!
