Monday, November 21, 2011

New Beginnings...

Ok, so can I just talk about what God has done for me? He amazes me. Continually. It's late and I need to be up early but I just can't take it anymore, He so good and I can't sleep. This happens to me semifrequently. It is true that I did have a major coffee and sugar overdose but who can blame me? You can blame me, yes, yes, but the point I am trying to make here is I got the job I have dreamed of and asked for--yesterday I began working at a coffeeshop! Why a dream of a coffeeshop? Last year on the 22nd of November I moved out of my home in BC for a 40 day period in which God did marvelous heart-work and inner life change, among other things like showing how wonderfully He provides for what we need. I didn't have a job during that time but was completely taken care of. He even payed my way (through friends) to have an amazing OneThing Conference experience in Kansas City at the end of the 40 days. This is not the time or place to go into detail on that, however during that time I began to seek God on what His desires were for me and what desires I had, that were long buried out of necessity and other "stuff". One of the first things to surface was the longing to work at a coffeeshop. I have dear relatives and friends who do, and I have secretly or not always wanted to try it. I love interacting with people and hospitality type ventures. When I was growing up we could never have people over to our house enough, if you asked me. This draw, coupled with the desire to spread the hope and gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone in any way and a love for the atmosphere of a coffeehouse,made me feel I had found a "calling". I applied at Barnes and Noble Starbucks. When I wasn't hired and other things came up, it became obvious the timing was off. I spent the winter and spring painting and living in Wisconsin with extended family, helping them out and enjoying myself. One lovely June evening of this year I was sitting in my room journaling when an idea that got me crazy excited dropped into my mind. In case you were wondering, it was 11:11 PM to be precise, most of you weren't, but there you go! That was extra! For many reasons I felt God was showing I would be a part of starting a Jesus Coffeehouse--somewhere out in the open where we could worship Him and love on people--among so many things that fall into those two categories. Missions local and to the nations are included in there, but this is the brief summary. Anyway, this fall I was feeling called to move to Sioux Falls to be better prepared and answer my calling, as of then I wasn't completely sure how that would work or what the calling was exactly. There were many things that weren't working out and I unsuccesfully "moved out" a few times only to return for various reasons and be somewhat frustrated and confused. "I thought you wanted me to go, Lord!?" Well, He did, my timing was just rushed and off as usual. PATIENCE. I did a lot of asking, seeking and knocking this fall, and packed up most of my stuff on Friday, 11-11-11 feeling like that was the day to make the final move. I had a family lined up to live with and the possibility of getting the call that this nearby coffeehouse had hired me at any moment. None of that worked out. The family told me it would not be a good time to bring my stuff over and no matter how much I anguished inside, the "you're hired" call never came. While I was shopping at Savers with my family though, I had a sweet opportunity to pray with a lady who God highlighted to me with a health need, and we both were blessed and in tears. I also met up with the amazing Becky Brunz (whom introduced in the last post)and her boys there. That night Brunz's were having a memorial for their child Vision Nevaeh, who brought heaven's perspective on life when her 5+ month life ended in a miscarriage. They courageously shared about God's goodness and how He was using this for good in thier lives all He is doing. A whole nother beautiful but painful story. Afterward Emilee, my sister, suggested that my friends and I invite ourselves over to the Brunz's for worship. Which is what we did. They invited us to spend the night, so we did. I had no idea what direction my life was going to take, but decided to stay the weekend in Sioux Falls while things unfolded. No phone call the next morning, but I had given up on worry and decided that obviously my Dad would work it out and I didn't have to be concerned. Joyfully I took up the obvious thing to do--help Becky paint! We began the project described in the previous post and God showed me just how much fun it is to be serving, and not worrying about the next step. Besides a relationship with Jesus, there is really nothing more fulfilling in life! How freeing this was! So for 6 days we painted and primed together and just as I was applying paint before wrapping up for the weekend last Friday, the call came. I got the job! A week exactly after I thought I needed to know. The Brunz's offered me their home until I can get a place with some dear single lady friends of mine at the beginning of the new year. Transportation is a bit sketchy, but my family has offered their little red car on occasion and I know it will all come together as time goes on...or it wont because God will have something better. He always does. Far above what we could ask, think or imagine.
There is much more to this story and sidenotes upon sidenotes of little things God has done since, but I will begin to close. I am so thankful for this new open door. It is also the next step in starting a Christian coffeehouse; because first I need to learn the ropes of a Cafe owner, and I am told that my new workplace is an ideal fit for such an education. I am enjoying it so much so far, and constantly thanking God for this opportunity. It seems this is the path He is leading me down--the coffeehouse one--but He is welcomed to interrupt at anytime because His ways are far above of mine!
Goodmorning. It is now 3 AM and I need to get up in 4 hours to begin work at this amazing place. Now that I got this out here, hopefully I can sleep ;)
Be blessed by this amazing Father!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Romantic Service...

I am sitting on the bed I have slept in for almost a week--at my friend's the Brunz's lovely home. One of their 4 boys (Elijah 7 1/2) is snuggled up close to me giving me arithmetic problems, so if this comes out a bit fuzzy, its because I am trying to be brilliant in reading, writing and arithmetic all at once. It's fun, he's awesome. Ok, being all brilliant wasn't working, but he is getting ready for bed now and I will focus.

My week has been wonderful here . Becky is an incredible wife and mother; the goodness of her heart is constantly splashing onto her family and those around her. It has been inspiration to be around her and Micah as they practice giving and loving on the many who come into their lives and through their door. Not to mention loving on their lively boys and finding ways to encourage and enjoy them.

In this time of waiting to hear if I have a job, and asking, seeking and knocking to find out what this calling is I feel, I find myself in their midst. It just "so happened" that Becky had planned to paint the main rooms of her house this week and I was free to join her--in transition as I am and without "Fresh Coat Painter" (family business) work. Participating in the transformation of dull woodwork and unfeeling colors to crisp white trim and turquoise walls has been a thrill. What makes this project more thrilling is when I consider how many people this family impacts. They are attending the Gate School of Ministry with me and have the dream of being in a Christian community that honors each other and actually lives life together. Hospitality, miracles, walking and talking with God, worship and valuing all people are just some of the passions we share. There has been so much laughter and lively discussion amidst the general paint splatterings and meals around here. Not all of it has been polite(with all the young boys around), but I am lightening up to all the strange jokes, haha! My friend Kelly, brother Kale (who lives with the Brunz's now)and various friends and siblings have been staying over here and popping in, and needless to say they are all wonderful. Paige is strumming a lively version of "Your Love Never Fails" right now, in fact. So beautiful. Yes, I am enjoying life and am so thankful to God for all my family and making this kind of joy possible! On that note, "Joy" is what we dubbed the turquoise color Becky created for her kitchen and dining room.

Anyway, last time I wrote, I shared about bringing joy to God's heart and revelations of what He desires. At this time in my life I feel He is teaching me the joys of serving Him from my heart. Back in October I had a sweet and powerful encounter with Him that I hadn't understood very well until this week. I was at a worship night in Sioux Falls, just journaling, and actually feeling pretty distant from God while trying to hear His voice. As I set my mind on Him I saw Jesus, dressed in only a towel around his waist in a dimly lit room. It was totally the John 13:3-5 scene.
“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His Hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel which He had girded.” In this picture in my minds' eye, He was gazing into my eyes, this is what I felt He was saying:
"I want you to look at me, look into My eyes and KNOW My love, really let it sink into you and impress upon your heart. I want you to grasp this. I stripped down, laying down My life for you, serving you. You have much to learn about this joyful, fulfilling way of life and I beckon you to follow Me through the doorway of sacrifice" He got up and stood in a dark doorway, with a beckoning smile "Will you not come, My love? My love has no limits, no barriers, no boundaries. Won’t you be My Love?"

Needless to say I have been excited and curious about following Him into a life like He described of being His love! He is unfathomably amazing. I have read these words again and again and just pondered what all this means--His love and all. It is an unfolding story, but one thing I know for sure is this life of giving and serving alongside Him--to the extent I have practiced it--has been overwhelmingly wonderful! I look forward to a lifetime of discoveries and experiences of this nature. He truly has made the beauty of serving come alive in an intense new way and one might even say being served by Him and serving others alongside Him is incredibly romantic. I would definately say that. ;)
Yes, yes, I am young and naive and I haven't experienced the depths of hardships that others have nor many devastating scenarios. But I know that when things get ugly
I can trust my Lover Jesus, He will be with me, and He is more than enough for me. Who knows what the future will hold? I will keep you updated as I can.
LOVE, Love! Let's experience and become His Love.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Becoming the Child of His Dreams...

I will just begin by saying--WOW. So much to talk about, so much that God has revealed and so many things I want to share with you all. It has been a very strange time of life for me as I have felt God calling me to leave my home in Beaver Creek and move to Sioux Falls. As most who know me know, my family is very tight knit and dear to me and this is a big change in and of itself. Yes, I am “of age” and past age if you asked most of my friends and relatives who would have been relieved to see me venture off many years ago. I appreciate their concern. Often I was concerned myself, mainly because my life has looked nothing like "normal" (whatever that is) the past few years, and I have not taken the typical route of those my age. Actually, my whole life I have been different if only by association with my wonderful family--so I should be used to it by now! Progress in moving has been a bit slow, but things are starting to line up and God is paving the way.
Over this summer God has been stirring up some dreams and desires of mine and giving glimpses of how they might look when fulfilled. I have been very happy as a Fresh Coat Painter, but have so many other interests and a heart to just be everything God created me to be. I long to be a part of His Kingdom and find my place in His Master plan. He knows best and He even knows what I like better than I do, so I have been doing a lot of seeking, knocking and asking what’s next for me, God?

A couple of weeks ago I was seated reverently (hehe, I couldn’t resist) in a worship weekend at my Church listening to Ian Rutherford from IHOP speak on Passion for God. Does anyone else get nervous during those talks in fear of facing a lack of passion? I do, but the truth about our lack of passion doesn’t surprise God. He loves us. Anyway, Ian stated that God will be serious about pursuing our dreams, when we begin to pursue His dreams. Those words unlocked a whole new thought pattern for me, even though I have heard similar things before. Proverbs states the same concept: “Delight yourself in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” The way he said “God’s dreams” shook me up to the reality of how personal God is. I got to know God’s word before I got to know Him personally. I knew the God of the Bible wanted a lot of things, but I constantly need to make the connection the Father of love that I am now getting to know through experience is this God. Because of all my misconceptions, it is almost like I am getting to know God all over again! Based on what I know about the Father now, my heart was filled with desire to fulfill the desires of His heart. David is one example of one who pursued God's dreams. He was a Lover of God. One who cared not just about performing commandments, but truly PLEASING his God. In fact, he decided he wanted to build God a permanent house because he thought God would really like that, even though God didn’t ask for one (2 Sam 7). God even told him not too, because he was a man of bloodshed and had ordained Solomon instead for that project.
I have been basking in this revelation that I can bless God’s heart and I have been eagerly asking Him “God what are Your dreams?” Because of all He has done and His abundant love poured on me, this is so fun to ask out of sheer gratitude. Isn’t it a wonderful thought that we could actually bless the heart of God?

Over the past few weeks of asking Him this, I feel He has shown me some of His desires and would like to share with you what He has spoken to my heart at different times. The Bible is full of what pleases or hurts the heart of God, but it was neat to get some insight directly from Him and see it line up with what is in His previously written Word. He summed up His dream when He said to love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength, but this is more of what that dream looks like in the "particulars".

Here’s what I felt He was saying (each paragraph was at a different time):

“My heart is for unity. I want togetherness and welcoming acceptance. I want peace among the brothers and sisters. I want encouragement and the building up, rather than the tearing down. I long to see them grow up together into the maturity that I have planned for them. I want change in the earth, I want to see people hungry and ready for Me to invade. I want people’s hearts prepared to meet Me. I want to give them glimpses and tastes of My goodness to prepare them for eternity. Give them an appetite for good things from My hand.

"Brokenness. I want to see people lay their hearts before me and return to Me with all of their hearts. Not with words but with weeping, with futile plans recognized and completely honest before My goodness and My glory. Desperation. Looking to Me with all their attention. Fixed on the reality of My Presence and who I Am. Grow in receptivity to My urgings and My Words…don’t be without Who I AM. Stay connected and abiding, for without Me you can do nothing. This is where your ability lies, as you rest in My Hands.

"Faithfulness. Lovers who remain with Me and stand by my side when the going gets rough. Not those who will turn and point in accusation against Me. When you do not trust Me, it wounds Me. I cannot entrust you with more of Myself if I am rejected by you. Guard My heart by trusting Me and honoring My words. I want all of your heart, so that our love can be everything it was designed to be and you can become wholly who I made you."

What a Father! I have another more personal revelation to share sometime, but this is already very long, so I will make a new post for that one. I hope this made you extra courious as to what Father would say if you asked how to become the child of His dreams... :) Well, go for it!