Thursday, November 17, 2011

Romantic Service...

I am sitting on the bed I have slept in for almost a week--at my friend's the Brunz's lovely home. One of their 4 boys (Elijah 7 1/2) is snuggled up close to me giving me arithmetic problems, so if this comes out a bit fuzzy, its because I am trying to be brilliant in reading, writing and arithmetic all at once. It's fun, he's awesome. Ok, being all brilliant wasn't working, but he is getting ready for bed now and I will focus.

My week has been wonderful here . Becky is an incredible wife and mother; the goodness of her heart is constantly splashing onto her family and those around her. It has been inspiration to be around her and Micah as they practice giving and loving on the many who come into their lives and through their door. Not to mention loving on their lively boys and finding ways to encourage and enjoy them.

In this time of waiting to hear if I have a job, and asking, seeking and knocking to find out what this calling is I feel, I find myself in their midst. It just "so happened" that Becky had planned to paint the main rooms of her house this week and I was free to join her--in transition as I am and without "Fresh Coat Painter" (family business) work. Participating in the transformation of dull woodwork and unfeeling colors to crisp white trim and turquoise walls has been a thrill. What makes this project more thrilling is when I consider how many people this family impacts. They are attending the Gate School of Ministry with me and have the dream of being in a Christian community that honors each other and actually lives life together. Hospitality, miracles, walking and talking with God, worship and valuing all people are just some of the passions we share. There has been so much laughter and lively discussion amidst the general paint splatterings and meals around here. Not all of it has been polite(with all the young boys around), but I am lightening up to all the strange jokes, haha! My friend Kelly, brother Kale (who lives with the Brunz's now)and various friends and siblings have been staying over here and popping in, and needless to say they are all wonderful. Paige is strumming a lively version of "Your Love Never Fails" right now, in fact. So beautiful. Yes, I am enjoying life and am so thankful to God for all my family and making this kind of joy possible! On that note, "Joy" is what we dubbed the turquoise color Becky created for her kitchen and dining room.

Anyway, last time I wrote, I shared about bringing joy to God's heart and revelations of what He desires. At this time in my life I feel He is teaching me the joys of serving Him from my heart. Back in October I had a sweet and powerful encounter with Him that I hadn't understood very well until this week. I was at a worship night in Sioux Falls, just journaling, and actually feeling pretty distant from God while trying to hear His voice. As I set my mind on Him I saw Jesus, dressed in only a towel around his waist in a dimly lit room. It was totally the John 13:3-5 scene.
“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His Hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel which He had girded.” In this picture in my minds' eye, He was gazing into my eyes, this is what I felt He was saying:
"I want you to look at me, look into My eyes and KNOW My love, really let it sink into you and impress upon your heart. I want you to grasp this. I stripped down, laying down My life for you, serving you. You have much to learn about this joyful, fulfilling way of life and I beckon you to follow Me through the doorway of sacrifice" He got up and stood in a dark doorway, with a beckoning smile "Will you not come, My love? My love has no limits, no barriers, no boundaries. Won’t you be My Love?"

Needless to say I have been excited and curious about following Him into a life like He described of being His love! He is unfathomably amazing. I have read these words again and again and just pondered what all this means--His love and all. It is an unfolding story, but one thing I know for sure is this life of giving and serving alongside Him--to the extent I have practiced it--has been overwhelmingly wonderful! I look forward to a lifetime of discoveries and experiences of this nature. He truly has made the beauty of serving come alive in an intense new way and one might even say being served by Him and serving others alongside Him is incredibly romantic. I would definately say that. ;)
Yes, yes, I am young and naive and I haven't experienced the depths of hardships that others have nor many devastating scenarios. But I know that when things get ugly
I can trust my Lover Jesus, He will be with me, and He is more than enough for me. Who knows what the future will hold? I will keep you updated as I can.
LOVE, Love! Let's experience and become His Love.