Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Bit of a Confession...

To begin with my friends, I must make a confession.
Not only is it good for the soul, it is good for MY soul to say that I have kind of previously judged those who blog. I have judged their blogs. I have judged those who stay up late on facebook (ahem, siblings!) and those who burn the midnight blog electricity. But all this must end for me tonight--or shall I say early this morning, for it is 3 AM. I do not wish to be judged, and if that is to be the case I must say adeui to my judgements (Matt 7) and here I am, posting my first blog. Yes my fellow imperfect humans, I now have become one of you. Haha, we laugh but unfortunately that is somewhat true.
I can already hear the shocked why's and when's coming from your mouths or minds. I can't exactly explain it, but somehow I felt above having the need to express myself to the world--atleast on the web. Unlike SOME people...haha. I don't know where that came from honestly, but I don't like to see it or own it anymore. I don't want to flatter myself for being so humble. Ok, so more reasons for not blogging are: I like to be different, and not tied down to things such as blogs. I am also shy of the criticism which may follow these written expressions of my heart...and the things I feel God is teaching me.
I am used to journaling with only God as my witness. He is so forgiving. Others are not always, nor understanding like Him. I can't get away with so much skipping around on topics, fragmented sentences, overly long ones and undeveloped ideas. These will still be found on my blog, but not in such great magnitude as my beloved journals...So--I am stepping out--gulp. Yay! I am excited to see what this is like, and honestly I have been asking God to give me some accountability and insite from others, so I welcome you--my reader and probably friend--'s constructive comments. Thanks for reading, and sharing this journey with me.
So here goes...looking unto Jesus: the Author and Finisher of my faith! Who is with me?


PS: I really did feel Jesus leading me to start this. He is doing interesting things like this lately...just had my ears pierced for the first time as well...that is not unusual for most--but for me....thats UNOther story...:)


  1. BTW it really was after 3 AM....dunno why it says 12:59. The time is a bit off here? Oh! Maybe its eastern time or something? hmmm...its too late to think! g2g2 bed...

  2. Neato Brooke!!
    I was glad and yes a bit shocked as to see this. But I have a feeling He is planning on working through you here, for the things we go through usually we aren't the only ones going through and when you share you can give place to Father to take over. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeese =D. Excited fo you!!

  3. Btw. I am your first follower! Also, I was also very shocked to not find you knocking on my door at 10 am I must say it was a happy surprise ;) so unlike you though.....hmm. lol =] TTFN!

  4. Brooke! What a nice lovely surprise to see this blog this morning! You have wonderful things to say from God, and I am glad you listened to God and chose to start this here blog. I am with you on looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith! Thanks for sharing your heart in your own way sis~ I like it :P

  5. oh, Brooke!
    So glad you joined the bloggy world! :P
    I cant wait for more post's from you! :)
    ooooh! you got your ears pierced!? Awesome!
    have a blessed day deary! :)
