Friday, March 18, 2011

Winds from the west!

Right now I would compare my life to that of Mary Poppins. I do not identify with the "Practically perfect in every way" aspect of her character, nor very much of anything about her stiff manner. However, the other night while we were watching the Disney story about this magical woman I had to smile when she informed the children she nannied (an invented word I am hoping) that she would be staying until the wind changed. I've been doing so much travelling the past 6 months and undergoing so many changes as the wind of God's Spirit ushers me from one place to the next. It is crazy and oh-so-strange and incredible--but I love it. Yes, the life of Mary Poppins has some resemblance to the life of a Spirit led person. John 3:8 Jesus says,"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
I love this crazy travelling life where I have no main job title, no degree, and no obligation to a company. My life is intirely *gulp* unpredictable and I have given it away, sold the farm. It's not my own anymore, and this makes my insides burst with joy. This is freedom! I wish this same joy and certain uncertainty that saying yes to Jesus has brought me for all of you. He is my Home and I am His. He can take me anywhere and I will have all the comforts and love of home (more!) along with the exciting, challenging variety that He "blows" me into :P. Yes, to whosoever wills He offers this wonderfully unsafe life.
I had previously been working semi-steadily for my family business as a painter--as everyone knows. Work has been slow since Thanksgiving, but God has gotten us through, a few jobs here and there and a whole lot of provision. Our family was known for staying together and have made it a point to do so--another obvious thing for such a large troop. Lately however we have all been spreading out and travelling together, but also separately or with only a few family members. Dispersion shall we call it? In the past 6 months I've stayedin Minneapolis, MN, Pierre, SD, Ankenny, IA, Omaha, Ne, Kansas City, Mo, North Carolina, VA, Washington DC, Elkhorn, WI and Blair, WI--where I am right now on the 2nd trip there this year. What have I all been doing? That is too diverse and confusing to go into right now, but if you corner me and ask specifics, I will try to share some highlights.
I am in Wisconsin right now, between Eau Claire and LaCrosse learning, teaching, praying (aehm, talking to God), cooking, cleaning, organizing playing, and hanging out with (nannying perhaps?)2ndish cousins Heidi (9), LaRetta Sue (11), Nettie (13), Lizbeth (7), and Benny (5). Their parents are on work/vacation and we are taking over the horse barn and shed/house having an interesting (in a good way) and overall sweet time. Paige, Nate and Em, my unusually wonderful teen siblings are here with me as well contributing in every way and also making things interesting (again, mostly good). Tomorrow(considering the hour, that is today) their parents will return after being gone a week. This morning our large bunch had a prayer powow and talk (who wants to call it devotions when you have this age group?) on the absent parents’ bed and prayed for everyone in our group individually. My heart was bursting with joy as we asked God to give us encouraging words and show us how to pray for each one. This is when I come alive! He loves it when we encourage eachother in this way and become unified. I can sense His pleasure inside while we do this. So those receiving prayer plopped in the middle of the bed and those who wanted to pray or had something to share prayed and layed their hands on them. God gave us uplifting things to pray for each one and the kids were all smiles and stuck around the whole time. LaRetta Sue and Em even had a pen-tattoo ministry going on intermittently for the kids to receive Christian and other kinds of art. Now aren't we being seeker friendly?, I just realized what a huge draw that could be now! This has been a fun two weeks, I love these kids!
The rest of the day I was cooking, cleaning and organzing and didn't get to hang out much with the kids, other than talking and doing some reading lessons. Hopefully I will do more of that tomorrow. Instead I was mainly "alone" in the living room and also the laundry room/garage bringing some order and clean clothes onto the picture. This was no ordinary time though, because God met me and was so near during those times that I had to deal with tears. Guys: in the mundane, normal cleaning and drudgery kind of tasks I was having the time of my life! God is too good to be true! Have you thought lately of the goodness of God? He cares for us so we don't have to carry cares. He loved us first. He hears us when we call and answers our prayers. He has our entire future taken care of. He lets us sense His presence. He changes our ugly selfish hearts. He is all love, there is nothing dark in Him. He is our Daddy and our Mom. He understands us fully. He desires us. He walks WITH us and talks to us. He will never leave us. That is just a start.
Anyway, I asked Him questions and discussed life, my desires, concerns, failings and yes, He talked back among other things. I love Him!
This trip to WI I've had the opportunity to visit my grandma a few times, visit many good friends also in this area, and even got to meet a fun Amish couple! Ah, diversity! I love it.
My prayer and desire right now is that I would be one--united with Christ and that His heart and desires would be mine. That I would love these children like He loves them and make them hungry to know this amazing God and have a relationship with Him. To make a difference in their lives for His Kingdom. That they would choose Him and His Kingdom would grow and have that sweeet, incredible effect on them and their surroundings for the rest of their life. God is showing me the bigger picture of His Kingdom, and how righteousness (yay!), peace and joy that the Bible says make up His Kingdom come when Jesus Christ reigns from the central portion of our being. When we yeild to His way there is freedom and unbelievable benefits. Sometimes they are only experienced on the inside, but eventually the collective lives given to the King of Kings will begin to manifest a wonderful outcome that will change the world. When Christ is the King of each heart there will be no killing, hatred, unforgiveness, or greed--eventually there will be no poverty, sickness, death or disease. I like the sound of this Kingdom! So my prayer today is that as I become one with Jesus, His Kingdom will come and His will will be done in Wisconsin at the Tschanz Farm as it is in Heaven. Wherever His wind blows me, I want this to be my prayer. I love being about my Daddy's business. Most of the time I do not know what I am doing, but He is teaching, training and guiding me step by step. I so enjoy hearing about what God is up to in your lives as well. Keep me updated!!!
Well, it is late--I mean early. This should already be long enough to make up for my 22 years without a blog, so I will bid you farewell.


  1. hmm...tis actually 2:23 AM not 10:40. Oh well. I don't know what sundial they are getting thier time from. Ah, blogspot. :)

  2. Oh, how lovely it is to hear from you!

  3. Wonderful Brooke!! I love it!! :) Mom
