Saturday, March 26, 2011

Roots Going Deep

Right now I am chillaxing and watching Furious Love with some siblings and a friend at a hotel in Minneapolis. The conference we attended here about the Father and Mother Heart of God concluded this afternoon. It was a tremendous blessing. I say that somewhat sheepishly, being as we have had some--quite a few--conferences over the past year and have been blessed over-the-top by learning about the love of God from Jesus followers all over the USA. Father has been leading us on this journey of grace...literally. It takes a lot of grace to travel with so many people (i.e. my fam) for one thing, and possibly would be sufficient to teach us God's grace just so that we could survive. HAHA, no. He has literally been founding my roots in grace, and stripping striving, performance and human effort out of the foundation, where it was laid with good intentions, but brings none or bad results.
Nothing good has come from my efforts or stress to be pleasing to God; for those living in the flesh (even doing good deeds) cannot please God. What pleases God in non-Christianese or normal language, is living life receiving love/life from the Father God and loving Him and others with this love. Christians would call this "abiding". It is so simple and childlike that sometimes those of us who have learned so much about God and what pleases Him and ESPECIALLY what doesn't please Him and how we can best do that based on our view of righteousness (self righteousness) overlook this. This is NOT GOOD when the entire basis and structure of our faith is our Papa God who IS love. When we are created to live as His sons and daughters in His Kingdom of love where we are nothing without love
Someties I have frowned upon myself and our family for attending all these conferences, so I do not blame those of you who scratch your heads or even disagree with our frivolous conference and learning opportunities that we often take off on. When will we ever get it straight to where we can get back to living life, and stop being like those warned of in scripture who are "ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." My dad and I discuss this often, how bad it must look that we go away to enjoy ourselves more often than not, learning about the love of the Father so much when there is so much work to be done in this world. There are so many more who need this love, should we not be assisting them now? We still don't have great answers to that question, all we know is the pull we feel, and the ways He arranges and provides for such activity and how blessed we have been as a result of getting to know Him more. The love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control this walk with Him has brought. He is amazing.
Anyway, dad and I were driving to Wisconsin discussing grace on the way to Wisconsin 3 weeks ago today. We were wondering if we were getting a bit off balance on the grace thing, thinking and hearing too much about it that we may be getting too removed from the righteous judgement of God, etc. His discipline you know? We came to the conclusion that we have no other hope than the grace of God. We confessed to a great lack of grace in our lives and how that wounds those close to us, whom we love the most. It has been proven that the more grace we receive from God for ourself, the more we are able to give away to others. It came to me also that as 1st Cor 13 says we can do all kinds of amazing work for God, but if we don't have love it will all amount to nothing. ALL our works would be for nothing. Our working without having God's love as our foundation would be like building on uneven, sandy, frankly BAD ground. So we may as well not do anything until our foundation is Christ, the Father's love. Yes, if we can't build it in His strength His way (love) we may as well go back to bed for the rest of our lives. We can't move on until we get this! God knows when that is, and He will guide us on our journey. He will guide you as well, as you follow His leading in your heart. I do not preach the "go to more conferences" gospel. I don't recommend it unless He leads, for His Spirit is ultimately the Teacher.
Time will tell what all the benefits of going to this particular conference, but it wasn't to give me more principles to live by, it was to get to know my Father better. HE is better than I can imagine. You can ask my family and cousins what they got from the conference as well, and I can guess that along with wonderful fellowship amongst us all and those at the church, our love for God and each other has increased with the experience and knowledge of the love of God!
That is the general "short" story of what I want to share with you. I wish I could have take all of you with me because I haven't even begun to tell you about the conference really. My mind is buzzing with it all now and I am extremely tired with a sore throat. I will just end with this sweet prayer for you...and me.

Eph 3:16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

This is my desire!

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