Saturday, April 2, 2011

Can we trust His Heart?

Hello! Greetings from my home in my Father's heart and the river of His love! Also, from Minnesota where I sit on my own couch. Literally, I am at home! My heart is very full right now. I love this being at home, in both ways. Thank You, Father!

This week my hands have been filled with brushes, rollers and covered in paint. It has been mostly great fun to be back at it with my dad, Paige, Nate, and Emilee. We have had some crazy, happy moments and serious times, enjoying one another and rolling out 2 fairly good sized jobs this week. We also were able to get reaquainted with our next-door-gramma T. and help paint her upstairs with my aunt who will be moving in shortly. I am so thankful for my family...what the love of God can do in people is nothing short of miraculous and wonderful to be a part of. Not always easy or fun, mind you...of course, but He is always there to make something beautiful regardless. Some of my highlights of the week include deep, enlightening talks with both my heavenly and earthly fathers, a night with my friend Cassie in her dorm and some freeing personal prayer ministry there, and last night singing/worship with my sisters and friend Annie. She has written many deep, beautiful songs and we were doing some improvisational worship with those on various instruments and in my case, lounging on the couch just singing my heart out.

Recently this same Annie wrote a song about Jesus hanging on the cross. This song developed from a personal crisis in her life where she was overwhelmed with the feeling of abandonment. At this point she was struck with the utter trust Jesus has for His Father. In her song, Jesus cries out in agony, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?" just before the song transitions into Jesus' words just before his life ends-- while He is hanging there feeling forsaken, at his lowest point, He knows and trusts His Father's heart. He knows His love. He KNOWS and trusts that God will cause all things to work out for good, not only for the world, but for him. Just before dying, He expresses this massive, miraculous trust in the words "Into YOUR hands I commit my spirit." Never mind that You let me die here, that you let me be abused and wrecked because of your love for the sinners in the world. Never mind that I feel alone and completely unloved with unbelievable pain, I TRUST YOU. Not only with the things IN my life, but with my very life. WOW. Could there be a more incredible example? Jesus just KNEW His Father that well. I want to get to know this Father!

We added more "I trust you's" to the song sung in various ways and as we were singing I felt God was showing me a few more reasons WHY I could trust Him. He showed me a deep well, a storehouse full of goods/stuff and provisions, and a place in the heavens heaping with treasures. HE is laying up treasures for us, He has good plans for our future even as he did for Jesus. Being with Him forever, sitting at His right hand with pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16)? Top that! His Father's heart LOVES to give good gifts to His children. Obviously we don't always get them immediately *grin* but they are there nonetheless...and Father is not slow, but patient in giving them at the perfect times.
YES! We can trust this Daddy. Let's all love on Him today!
check out this song--

1 comment:

  1. Oh, praise God for this! I'm realizing that I also need to LET GO and trust that even the hard things in life God has brought for a reason. I need to trust Him more and more and MORE. Yes, Lord!
    I love you Cousin :)
