Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Good morning world!  

       Has anyone else been overwhelmed by how beautiful and green everything is in South Dakota, or perhaps wherever you are?  LIFE is everywhere.  I am so glad and thankful to be alive.  LIFE has been sweeter than ever lately.  I am still feeling romanced by the King...God you might call Him. ;} Also, my husband has been so much fun and quite the lover.  
      Last weekend was lovely as Karter and I had a lake day full of basking in the sun, volleyball in the sand, grilling and eating food, and spritzes in the cold lake with some of our family and friends.  It all took place at Lake Pahoja, just over the border in IA.  We are going back every possible Saturday afternoon until the weather turns, and invite whoever of you that wants to come. Show up if you wanna!
      Last night I had this longing to lay out on the bed with fake candles and read whatever God put on my heart.  Matthew 18 was that place, packed with groundbreaking, foundational stuff that dissapointed many who heard.  He spoke to those who desired to be great, and carelessly shattered their definitions on the subject. He did a show and tell of a child to reveal true greatness and the only way to enter His Kingdom; taking on the humility of a child.  
     This revelation is huge, after all most of us for sure want to be a part of Jesus Christ's Kingdom--I mean, PICK ME!  This is what I was born for.  Well, this chapter was written for me, I am one of those people who desire to be great.  I was just confessing to Karter yesterday while we sipped coffee and cappucino at our favorite place, that one of the reasons I don't like certain kinds of games is that I want to live an important life. I want to DO great things for God and be a part of His great work.  It is hard for me to accept too much leisure because I want to basically make a mark and I want that for my family.  Part of this desire may be good, but where I swerve into pride is my mindset of acheivement and scorning certain ways people enjoy themselves because it doesn't appear to be making a difference.  Because it isn't impressive or mature enough.  It is easy for me to see why He wanted me to read this chapter.  Children don't concern themselves with things too great, but they have a great and lofty view of their fathers (if the child is normal and father is halfway decent). They believe He can do anything.  They want to go to work with him, play catch with him, and trust him to provide for them everything they need.  Carefree, in a word.  Another thing children do well is to love blindly.  God wants to do great things with and through us, but this childlike humility is necessary to begin.  
       Karter and I wrapped up our coffee date sharing more observations about what God wants for and from us, His children.  To begin in greatness we need not be concerned about things that can get in the way of productivity, but I need to humble myself like a child.  Children love to play and know how to enjoy life.  Father gives us all things richly to enjoy.  He has great plans for us, and will lead us into them as we follow, but does not want children so fixed on big things and in an arrogant pursuit that we cannot enjoy His creation.  He takes care of us and we are now free to LOVE and enjoy. This was a welcome, liberating attitude adjustment and is necessary for me to glorify God and enjoy life!
...Among other things, but it is always good to get the important things down first.:)

1 Timothy 6:17
"Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy."

Give thanks and enjoy the day He made!


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